Q-SWITCH ND-Oil Hair Yellowing with Laser

Hair bleaching process with laser; It is especially used for fine and light colored hairs. Because all laser systems are effective on thick and black hair. Unfortunately, there is no laser system that can destroy thin and light hairs. If you are complaining about thin and light-colored hairs in the form of feathers, laser bleaching is a good option. We use Q-Switch Nd-Yag Laser for this. Q-Switch Nd-Yag Laser targets the coloring pigment in the hairs. Thus, when the shot is made, the color of the hair goes away, the hair turns pale, that is, turns yellow. Q-Switch Nd-Yag Laser also thins the hairs. If you continue the sessions, it provides thinning in the hairs.

What are the Advantages of Bleaching With Laser Advantages?

The biggest advantage of the Q-Switch Nd-Yag Laser is that it can be shot on the hair without shortening it. Q-Switch Nd-Yag Laser makes the hairs look less yellow by turning them yellow. The yellowing effect continues for 4-6 weeks. When the effect of the yellowing starts to decrease, it means it's time to do a session again. As the sessions progress, the hairs stay yellow longer, that is, the session intervals are opened. Again, as the sessions progress, the hairs become thinner, thinner and less visible.
Q-Switch Nd-Yag Laser also contributes to the reduction of skin spots and increase of skin quality. It gives very good results especially in areas where there are thin hairs such as the upper lip and where the skin is stained due to the removal methods such as waxing, thread and tweezers. It not only makes the hairs look less yellow, but also reduces the spots and improves the skin quality.
The most suitable laser for quince hair is Q-Switch Nd-Yag Laser. Because it can be done in summer and winter, it is a painless and very fast method. It takes 5-10 minutes to treat the entire face. It does not harm your skin, you can return to your daily life immediately.

Is Yellowing of Hair With Laser Permanent?

No, laser hair bleaching is not permanent. After about 4-6 weeks, the hairs slowly return to their old color, after which you need to have a session again. However, in the following sessions, the hairs become thinner and thinner. In this way, it comes to a position that will not bother you cosmetically. Since it is not possible to find a definitive solution for quince hairs, we recommend the q switch laser as the best method with the current technology.