How do acne scars form?
Deep-seated or inflamed acne can leave scars as they heal, especially picking, scratching and sunbathing increase scar formation. Acne scars can be in the form of brown spots, red spots, or small pits that have sunken into the skin. If the spots and pitted scars it creates are not treated, they are unfortunately permanent. There are various treatments to eliminate or lighten these scars.

How is acne scar treatment done?
Which treatment will be applied depends on the acne scar. The same person can have both spot-shaped and pit-shaped scars. The best scar treatment is determined specifically for the person, and the most appropriate treatment for you should be determined after a dermatologist examines your skin. Laser treatments give good results in suitable patients, and lasers should definitely be added to the treatment for both spots and pits.

How do acne scars on the face go away?
Post-acne spotting occurs as a result of an imbalance in the skin's melanin pigment production during the healing process. In the treatment of spot-shaped scars; Thulium laser, namely Baby Face Treatment, Q Switch Laser, chemical peeling, mesotherapy and spot-lightening cream treatments are applied. The aim is to equalize the color tones in the target area and achieve a smoother appearance.

For red spots, we use needle radiofrequency devices and IPL systems, systems used especially in vascular treatment.

How do hollow acne scars go away?
The most commonly used and most effective method in the treatment of hollow acne scars is laser treatments. We try to increase the collagen in the skin to reduce the appearance of the hollow, for this; we apply fractional CO2 laser, needle radiofrequency device, and hyaluronic acid treatments.

When the hollows are very deep, filling the inside of the hollow with filler is a good method. In addition, in deep hollows, releasing the part of the hollow that holds the base to the lower tissue with a needle (subcision) contributes to the treatment, allows the filler to spread better and fill the hollow better. Thus, it is aimed to complete the integrity of the skin.

Scars in the form of pits are difficult to treat, require multiple sessions, and to get the best result, it is necessary to use different treatments together, not just one treatment.

After examining the area, your doctor will determine the most effective method and combinations for treatment.

How long does acne scar treatment take?
Acne scar treatment is performed session by session. The skin must have completed its healing by the next session. There is some improvement in each session. The healing process between sessions is also important in the effect of the results. During this process, not protecting from the sun prevents the scars from disappearing and can also cause new scars to form, so spot treatment procedures are not performed in the summer months.

Superficial scars, that is, pigmentation scars in the form of spots only, can disappear more easily and completely. However, pits, that is, deepened scars, are unfortunately more difficult, requiring more sessions and the use of different treatments together. It is possible that deep pit-shaped scars will not disappear completely, but the pits will decrease, become more compatible with the skin, are less noticeable, and disturb the patient less.

What can be considered to prevent the formation of new scars?
Acne problems, which are especially intense during adolescence, can reoccur and bother the person at any age. This situation, the main cause of which is hormones, can also be experienced due to reasons such as stress, oily foods, and the use of incompatible makeup materials.

In order to prevent acne scar formation, first of all, measures can be taken to reduce acne formation:

Acne occurs due to hormones. However, some external factors can also cause it. It is possible to reduce acne formation by paying attention to these factors.

It is effective to be careful not to overdo oily, salty and spicy foods, that is, to pay attention to nutrition.

Staying away from stress as much as possible is also one of the ways to prevent acne formation.

The choice of makeup material should also be suitable for the skin type. Applying oil-based makeup materials to skin that is already oily increases acne formation. In addition, makeup brushes are areas suitable for bacteria formation. Keeping the brushes clean, cleaning them once a week and changing them once a month helps prevent acne formation. Storing the brushes completely dry slows down the formation of bacteria.

In addition, many people avoid using sunscreen because they think it increases acne, but this is definitely not recommended, you can choose a cream suitable for your skin instead. Lotion-shaped sunscreens can be preferred for oily skin. Do not hesitate to ask your doctor for a sunscreen recommendation suitable for your skin.

Allergic skin types are also prone to acne. If you see an increase in acne in the area where you apply a certain makeup or skin care product, you can stop using that product for a few weeks and observe the changes in your skin. If there is a change in the rate of acne, it means that the product is causing an allergic reaction.