Healthy hair is an important element of beauty in both men and women, and hair loss makes people very unhappy for cosmetic reasons. However, excessive hair loss should not be considered as cosmetic only. It can be a sign of a serious illness. For this reason, if you feel that your hair is shedding a lot, you should first consult with a dermatologist. Normally, the hair on our head has a certain cycle. Each strand of hair; it stretches, pours, rests and grows again. In other words, hair strands have a lifespan. It is normal to shed some hair every day. However, if you have been shedding more recently or if your hair has lightened, the following reasons should be investigated.

Causes of Hair Loss

  • Physical stress: All kinds of physical trauma, surgery, a difficult illness can increase shedding.
  • Pregnancy: Hair loss due to pregnancy is not seen during pregnancy, but usually 6 months after birth when the hormones decrease.
  • Excess vitamin A: Medicines containing vitamin A can trigger hair loss.
  • Protein deficiency: When not enough protein is taken, the body may stop hair growth to compensate for this deficiency. For this reason, if diets for slimming are not done properly, sudden weight loss can cause hair loss.
  • Hormonal disorders: Hormonal disorders and menopause, especially in women, can cause hair loss. The most common cause; It is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
  • Stress: Unfortunately, excessive stress can cause hair loss, it can be seen after events such as divorce or losing a loved one.
  • Anemia; It is the most common iron deficiency anemia. Hair loss due to anemia can be improved with a simple iron supplement.
  • Thyroid Hormones: Both the scarcity and excess of thyroid hormones secreted by the thyroid gland in the neck can cause hair loss. Your doctor may order a test for these hormones if he has other findings.
  • Vitamin B deficiency: Low levels of B vitamins are also one of the causes of hair loss. A simple supplement, such as in anemia, will help solve the problem.
  • Autoimmune hair loss: This is basically the result of an overactive immune system. Hair loss can be a symptom of important diseases such as lupus. The dermatologist should evaluate the patients in this regard.
  • Medicines; Chemotherapy (cancer treatment) drugs, antidepressants, some blood thinners and steroids cause hair loss.
  • As can be understood from the reasons for hair loss above, hair loss should be evaluated by a doctor first. It should be ensured that there is no disease or deficiency.

The majority of people who complain of hair loss do not have a disease or deficiency, the most common cause is androgenic alopecia (male pattern shedding), in which genetic factors play a role.

Hair Loss Treatment; If the cause is a disease or deficiency, it should be treated first, and the deficiency should be replaced.

Hair Loss Treatment Prices

It varies according to the area to be applied, the type of treatment and the number of sessions. The price of hair loss treatment, which is supported by different processes, may vary.