What will people who have tattooed but want to remove do? With the current technology, the safest and most effective method of tattoo removal is laser. Because the laser can break up the tattoo ink and remove the tattoo without damaging the skin.


Q-switch lasers shoot in nanoseconds. It targets the dye particles inside the skin without harming the skin. The laser beam is caught by the paint particles and converted into heat. The heated paint particles break down. The disintegrated paint particles are removed from the environment by the body's scavenger cells called macrophages, allowing the tattoo to be erased. The applied laser process does not harm the skin, does not cause burns and scars when given in the appropriate dose.


There are lasers of different wavelengths, depending on the color of the paint, to remove colored tattoos. The easiest to come off are dark colors like black and dark blue. Light-colored tattoos such as white, yellow and tan are very difficult to remove, they may not come off completely. In short, colored tattoos are more difficult to remove and require very long sessions. The most commonly used laser; It is a Q-switch Nd yag laser that affects black and dark colors.


How long will tattoo removal take, ie tattoo removal ends in eyebrow session? The answer to your question depends on four factors.

  1. The way the tattoo is done, that is, the depth of the paint; In amateur tattoos, the paint is superficial, it comes off completely in one or two sessions, leaving no trace. Professional tattoos are deep, the dye has reached the lower layers of the skin. It is difficult to destroy the dye in the lower layers of the skin. It takes many sessions. In tattoos done on top of each other, the tattoo that is made after the tattoo pushes the previous paint down and the paint gets very deep. It is difficult to remove overlapped tattoos, scars may remain.
  2. The color of the paint is easier to remove black tattoos. Colored tattoos are difficult to remove, especially light tattoos. Different wavelengths of lasers are needed for different colors.
  3. The body area where the tattoo is made is an important factor. In tattoos where the skin is thin, such as the neck, the ink goes deeper and requires more sessions to remove.
  4. The more time has passed since the tattoo has been made, the easier it will be to remove. Because the body's defense cells are already working to remove the dye from the environment. 

As a result, although the number of sessions required for tattoo removal varies from person to person, 1-2 sessions of amateur tattoos and 8-10 sessions of professional tattoos may be required.


Laser tattoo removal is a session-by-session procedure. With each session, the color of the tattoo fades a little. 4-6 weeks should pass between two sessions. The reason for this is that after each session, time is required for the disintegrating paint pieces to be removed from the body. It can be seen immediately that the paint crumbles during the procedure. The laser shot area turns white during the procedure, which indicates that the laser is effective.


Amateur tattoos are completely removed, leaving no trace. However, deeply ingrained professional tattoos, colored tattoos made on top of each other may not come off completely and may remain in the shadows. It is not a good option to cut tattoos surgically. Depending on the size of the tattoo, a scar will remain. Burning the tattoo with chemicals is not suitable because there may be burn marks. That's why the best way to remove tattoos is laser.


Tattoo removal prices vary according to the size of the tattoo. The total cost is related to how many sessions it will take, depending on the color of the tattoo and the depth of the paint. If you want to get information about tattoo removal prices, if you send a photo via whatsapp or e-mail, we can give you approximate price information.